Healthcare News
A Complete Guide to Shoulder Surgery
Shoulder surgery can potentially restore pain-free range of motion and full function to a damaged shoulder joint. Surgery is a treatment for a variety of conditions in your shoulder joint. These include rotator cuff tears, shoulder dislocations, and shoulder separations.
When is the best time of day to exercise? The answer may be different for men and women
Recent findings suggest that the effectiveness of exercise depends on the time of day (Exercise Time Of Day, ETOD). Now, a randomized controlled trial not only confirms convincingly that ETOD affects the effectiveness of exercise, but also shows that these effects differ between types of exercise, and between women and men.
Virtual physical therapy may improve function, patient satisfaction after TKA
Results showed patients who utilized a virtual physical therapy program after total knee arthroplasty had similar outcomes, but significant cost and time savings, compared with patients who used a formal physical therapy program.
Results of Arthroscopic Revision Rotator Cuff Repair for Failed Open or Arthroscopic Repair: A Prospective Multicenter Study on 100 Cases
To investigate results after arthroscopic revision RCR. We hypothesized that (1) arthroscopic revision RCR would lead to improved outcomes, (2) the clinical results would be dependent on tendon integrity and (3) tear pattern, tendon involvement, and repair technique would influence clinical and structural results.
How to thaw a frozen shoulder
Frozen shoulder, or adhesive capsulitis, occurs when inflammation and scar tissue invade the shoulder joint. It can start with inflammation of the joint that leads to scarring, or in some cases the scarring happens with little inflammation.